Tax Rebate
For calendar year 2022 the tax rebate will be equivalent to 25% with a maximum total of €750. This is on condition that you are at least 18 years old, and that you are domiciled and/or tax resident in Malta. You are also eligible for a tax rebate when making contributions on behalf of your spouse.
There is no limit on the amount that can be contributed to your private pension scheme, however we recommend that you only contribute the maximum allowance per annum to take advantage of the tax rebate that is applied to the scheme.
Choose to retire between the age of 61 and 70.
30% Tax Free Lump Sum
You will be eligible to take a 30% tax free lump sum, with the remaining balance providing yourself with an income throughout your retirement.
Retirement Income
Income will be paid from the fund.
Tax Efficient Solution
Enjoy tax free growth throughout the lifetime of your pension.
Low Cost
We offer solutions for the best price on the market.
Your pension pot will be managed conservatively by experienced professionals.
Pass on your pension pot to loved ones upon your death.